Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Ruby Jean is TWO

Holy fetch I have a 2 year old and in 13 more weeks (or hopefully less) a newborn. I'm freaking out about the thought of having two children but just want this pregnancy to do be DONE. I am hot, uncomfortable, constantly have stomach problems (I won't get into much more detail than that, for your sakes.), I am irritable and very easily annoyed, tired, my back hurts, and really just done. I was thinking today that when you are pregnant with your first, obviously it is easier to be pregnant than to care for the actual newborn, out-of-the-womb baby. BUT I would heavily argue that when pregnant with your second, it would PROBABLY be easier to take care of two kids than to have to deal with pregnancies woes AND another child. (Slap me when this little boy is born cause I know I will be eating my words, but until then I will just hope and pray he comes a little early!)

Moving on. Here are some pictures of Ruby's birthday. Cause I am sick of coming to my blog and seeing that picture of Ruby with her bink.

Rubes was sick with a fever the night before her birthday, and threw up for the FIRST TIME in her life. We piled balloons on her bedroom floor while she slept the night before and when she woke up in the middle of the night she was so excited to see them. We threw them all in her crib in the morning.

Really trying hard to blow out those candles....
We had hotdogs, cake and ice cream at Catalpa Park and borrowed a bounce house from a friend in Hidden Springs. Ruby was still a little sick and grouchy at the start of her party, and wasn't too into the bounce house. She perked up after a few cupcakes and loved playing on the park.

It was the year of the DOLL, but what else do you get a 2 year old girl?! She loved pushing ALL her new dolls around in her new stroller and putting the babies to bed in her new baby playpen.

And by the way, here she is on her first birthday. OH I JUST DIE. quit growing!

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