Thursday, January 23, 2014

DIY Say Anything Word Banner

Honestly, this was so simple I don't even think it requires a tutorial, but I figured why give pictures if you're not going to tell the people how to do it, right? 

What You Need:
Embroidery Floss
Embroidery Needle
Self Healing Mat
Exacto Knife
Rotary Cutter (optional but helpful)
Embellishments: My pom garland is from Hobby Lobby. It is sold by the yard and I used 1.
The tissue tassels were created using this tutorial.

First, I typed up my saying in a Word document. My font of choice was 'Franklin Gothic Demi Cond.' That's a mouthful. Instead of printing off the page and cutting out the letters, I decided to tape my paper to the computer screen and traced each letter. I liked it this way because I feel like the size of the letter on the screen vs. what prints is not ever quite the same (is it just me or is this true? I feel like I could be crazy here.) The down side: your letters wont be as straight, but this can be remedied using a ruler and rotary cutter in the next steps.

Once each letter is cut out, trace onto the back of your glitter sheet. MAKE SURE you trace the letter backwards. Cut out each letter using your ruler and exacto knife or rotary cutter. I used my rotary for the straight-aways, and the exacto for in the nooks and crannies.
Using your needle and thread (I ironed my thread before hand... husband says "you're ironing STRING?" Yup.) start underneath and pull the thread up, over and back down, creating teeny little lines as shown here. Do this until the letters are all strung.

 Carefully position each letter by holding tight to your little fastening and tugging until each letter is spaced how you'd like. Hang and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. love this. It's just the beginning. I can see it now. Keep up the great creative genius
