Friday, January 31, 2014

2014 To Read Booklist

I love to read. I'm just not very good at it. I get distracted and find any excuse not to sit down and ENJOY myself. That's why I have decided that in 2014, it is my goal to read 14 predetermined books. A pleasant plethora of genres and styles. Let me break it down.

1. Clean Gut, Alejandro Junger: I am determined to change my lifestyle so I can have the energy and health that I crave!
2. Catch 22, Joseph Heller: I hear it's funny and I feel like a fool for not having read it yet.
3. Living with Less, Joshua Becker: It's not that I want to become a minimalist, but what could be bad about being less obsessed with stuff?
4. Edenbrooke, Julianne Donaldson: Described as a "proper romance," I figure I can always use more of that in my life!
5. The Interestings, Meg Wolitzer: Apparently this one will blow your mind.
6. The Spectacular Now, Tim Sharp: This one was made into a movie last year. So we'll see which is better.
7. On The Road, Jack Kerouac: eeeeeeeveryone is talking about this book so I better see what all the fuss is about.
8. Canadian History for Dummies: Ya, this one is embarrasing. I don't know much okay?!
9. The 4-Hour Workweek, Timothy Ferris: Because who doesn't want to work less and live more?
10. The Sugar Frosted Nutsack, Mark Leyner: It was the title. The title sucked me right in.
11. The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien: I am a closet LOTR fan and I have GOT to finish this before the third movie comes out.
12. The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway: Mostly I want to read more Hemingway because he lived in Idaho.
13. Wherever You Go, There You Are, Jon Kabat-Zinn: A book about meditation. This should be interesting.
14.Wild, Cheryl Strayed: This one too is going to be a movie, and I love a good self-discovery story.

I'll be posting a book review of sorts for each one I complete. I am about half done Edenbrooke, so look for that one soon! (Are you reading these too? Let me know what you think of them! Suggestions? Please share those as well!)

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