Sooooo it's my birthday tomorrow. I am going to be 24. That means 25 next year! I never really worried about age; never really even though about it. But the fact that I am going to be a quarter of a century old next year is blowing my mind! That's like, old. All the people I used to look up to when I was 20 were 25! Okay not all but I'm trying to prove a point.
I found a beautiful silver hair hiding in the back of my head this morning. I won't lie, I like it. I can't wait to be that old free-spirit lady with the long silver hair.
And my baby is going to be 1 in a couple weeks. If that doesn't make me an old lady I don't know what does.
Anyways, to the meat of this post. I love lists. It's just my personality. Some of you may remember/are still doing/did a 101 in 1001 bucket list. I wrote one, and shared it here. (I haven't finished it yet.) Sometimes lists can be daunting; I know my lists sometimes take over my life and have the ability to turn me into a crazy person. But I like lists because I like the challenge of completing everything on them! Sooooo I wrote this list with intentions to make them all happen before I turn another year older. I plan on printing it out and posting it up by my desk or above my dresser.
001. visit a new state. I love exploring this part of the country (as in the West)... I would love to go to Oregon or Washington. oooooh summer roadtrips are calling me!
002. Host a theme party. This one is taking it back to my college days. oh and it requires friends. (you think I'm kidding) But it's gunna happen people!
003. Go on at least 2 family day trips. Doesn't matter where-just go exploring!
004. Sew Ruby a dress. play dress or fancy church dress, doesn't matter. Just take my sewing into the realm of clothing!
005. Become a US Citizen. Yup. This is real. We've decided that if moving back to Canada is ever in our future, I need to become a citizen first to keep all options open. It kinda breaks my heart to "give up" my Canadian citizenship. (The US doesn't recognize Canadian citizenship, but Canada recognizes both, so technically I would be a dual citizen.) Bummer side is that it will cost almost $700 and I have to take a "Naturalization Test"..... say whaaa?!
006. Learn to take decent pictures with my camera. I have an old(er) Canon. I don't even know what it is. Okay I just checked and it's a Canon Digital Rebel XT. but that doesn't matter, cause I'm convinced that just because it's not newest and fanciest doesn't mean I cant get decent pictures out of it. (someone correct me if I'm wrong)
007. Move to somewhere with grass in the backyard. There I said it. I like where we live (and could rent be any cheaper?! No, not for what we are getting. It's sweet.) but we haven't had grass since we moved in and it is EXTREMELY frustrating... So yes. I would love to move.
008. Make more fun videos. I made one once when some friends/family and I ran the Waterton-Glacier Relay in 2011. It was fun, I think I'm good at it, and I want to make more!
009. Catch up on my memory books. I've got 2010 done... now, about 2011, 2012, and 2013...
010. Read 20 books. Any kind, just have to be read them (ie. not audiobooks) I like to stay literate.
011. Get out of debt. except for student loans/car loans. Oh this would be uh-maz-ing
012. Ski somewhere new. preferably somewhere in Alberta, but I'll take what I can get.
013. Start creating things for a possible etsy shop. I would LOVE to sell handmade things one day, but first I have to figure out what the heck I would make.
014. Volunteer with a wildlife organization.
015. Get pregnant with baby number 2. I know right!?
016. Send a HAND WRITTEN letter to a friend once a month, every month.
017. Master the art of the budget.... master.... riiiiiight
018. Go hunting with Blake and shoot a big-game animal (ya, and I gut fish, too!)
019. Hike 75 miles, with and without Ruby. This included starting a hiking/outdoors journal.
020. Get another pet- Annie either needs a dog friend, or I am getting a chameleon. (seriously I want one.)
021. Do 4 runs- either 5K, 10K, or half marathon.
022. Continue going to school- even though it will probably be one class at a time, I WILL GET A BACHELOR'S DEGREE! just you watch! (fast forward to my graduation- long grey hair, cap and gown, only my grandchildren to congratulate me.... speaking of which LOOK at this article I found when I googled "old lady graduating college." This lady rules)
023. Become an early to bed, early to rise kind of gal.
024. Learn about history in general, so I don't sound so stupid when people talk about it and I have NOOOOO idea who the heck general custard is and the battle of little big horn. say whaaaa?!?! and don't even start with politics cause I have no clue what ANY of that shiz means.
025. Be more patient and kind. This one should speak for itself- hate people less when they are taking forever with their foodstamps in the line at wal-mart, hug Ruby tight and help her when she's following me around whining instead of getting frustrated that she won't LEAVE ME ALONE! (that one makes me sound like the worst mom ever but I swear I'm not that bad.)
So that about sums it up. I'll be keeping you posted on these goals as a way to keep me semi-accountable (what, are you gunna cyber bully me into completing them?!) I also plan on making a new list every year because hey, LIKE I SAID, i love lists!
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