Monday, April 15, 2013

Things are gunna get real for a minute here: When I wrote this post, all I had in mind was having some well known blog that every hipster and their dog followed. One that had images pinned on boards of all kinds by people of all types, and, to be quite honest, that was just as typical as the next blog. Think white background with grey sans-serif font, perfectly edited pictures showing a dream life, making all my readers crave a life like mine because I was always doing fun things with my cute, perfect little family and living the dream. Then I read these two articles:        1                              2

they. changed. my. life.

Maybe it is really stupid to say that. Maybe super naive and childish of me. That I had to read an article I found via social media about everyone faking a perfect life to really clue in that that is the case. But people really do this! I'm sucked in just like the next idiot down the block! I follow a number of people on Instagram who post amazing pictures almost daily. Pictures of cross-country roadtrips with a malamute rescue, trips to Hawaii and Everest base camp and living in a cabin in the back country with some of the best snow on earth, and "thanks to so-and-so for sponsoring us! we love the gear!" Pictures of pregnant bellies building dream nurseries in picturesque locations, in a home that they own and is decorated and manicured to a T.....

and it goes on.

I don't want my social media outlets to make people think that I have a perfect life. I have a good life. I have an amazing family. An excellent husband who meets all my needs, though I don't always see it. And a baby that makes me excited to wake up every morning to see a toothy grin. She has big teeth just like her momma, and I like that. I try every single day to fill the gaps. I don't always think my life is awesome. Most of the time, I actually think my life is boring and sub-par. That I'm doing something wrong because I'm not as happy as my Instagram "friends" seem to be. But I make lists and plan projects and read books to help me fix that, if "fix" is even the right word...

So as of right now, that is what this is. A place for me to become a better writer and thinker, meet new
people, change my habits, inspire others, live intentionally, focus on the meaningful, and become more confident in how I think and feel. I hope you're okay with that (but if not, feel free to take a hike.)


  1. you're not the only one! it's so hard not to get caught up in it all. i find myself thinking the same thing ever so often----why doesn't my house look like the spread of an interior design magazine? should i stop being handicapped and figure out how to use photoshop so my pictures look more editorial? (and so forth...) it's almost like it's "virtual peer-pressure"! my mom was telling me the other day how her and my dad were kind of envious of friends of theirs that seemed to go on fancy trips all the time and collect cars and post pictures of it on facebook...well----a couple weeks ago they were watching that tv show "til debt do us part" and their friends were on there trying to figure out their finances because they were almost a million dollars in debt!! so ya, like you said, things may seem really great on the outside, but who knows how amazing they really are besides on instagram and blogging. i've learned that it's sometimes ok to be boring! haha

  2. I'm with you. I have to admit, before I moved to Australia I had this vision in my head about how I was going to decorate my house perfectly and write a blog post about it. Ha. So ridiculous. I mean sure, I like to decorate and I like what I've done with my little apartment, but it's not exactly Pinterest worthy. And I'm totally okay with that. Because I have a good husband and a happy life. And quite frankly, that's all I need. Love you!

  3. So maybe I broke down and cried this morning b/c I was frustrated with how my house looked - YA MAYBE I DID THAT! And maybe it's b/c I went to a friend's house a few days earlier who had everything perfectly framed and organized and decorated. I like your new blog EVERY day. Being a woman is just hard work, I feel like all I do is compare myself to everyone else when really - my life is great just how it is! Maybe I need a quote to remind me of this how to frame it...where to put it...blurgh.

  4. Jess! Loved both of these articles and can relate in so many ways! Unfortunately, I think women have a tendency to do this MUCH more than men. Sometimes I wish I had more of the "who gives a rat's A$#..." thinking when it comes to comparing. I do know YOU are a great mama, friend, sister, (and so many other things) with many admirable qualities! This was excellent food for thought tonight, Especially with Josh being gone/traveling with his new job. Great perspective. Love you mucho mucho! xoxox

  5. Jess, I love your writing. You are so talented. I admit it is so hard to 'Keep up with the Jones' (in my day) now you have to up with the world . Anyway, keep your life simple and happy, it's so much more satisfying at the end of the day. We could have built a new house and spent and spent, because that's what everyone was doing, but we didn't. I'm happy, Scotts happy and our family is happy. When you have too much and are too perfect, people envy you. is that really what we want? or do we just want friends, family and happy memories? have a great day. love you MOM xoxo

  6. love it! I just signed into google haha maybe ill start a blog again Keep up the good work. love mom
