Monday, April 29, 2013

Excuses, excuses...

I promise I didn't make a goal to blog more and then leave it on the curb like yesterday's trash!
I've been busy, and as much as I hate when people use that as an excuse, it's true.

I do have a few posts in the works. But I need your help (and I got 6 comments on my last post so don't pretend you're not out there reading!) I want to blog about things that get my brain working and the juices flowing. But I'm lacking in that department.

What are your everyday struggles? Issues that you have? Whether it be with motherhood, marriage, family, self-worth... What would you like to see on this blog? I'd even stray from the deep stuff if you want. Want me to write a book review? I'll do it. Want me to try some recipes and tell you how they are? Done. Help me out here people! I want to blog because I really think it will help me with all these things found here, but am finding it hard to get motivated. This is a cry for help!

In other news, I am going to Women's Conference in Provo this weekend and I. Am. So. Ex. Cited. I am leaving Ruby with Blake for the weekend (SAY WHAT?!) and staying with a bff from high school, so it should be a really wonderful time. I'm excited to get some r&r and especially excited to go to Ikea (!!!!!)
Hopefully I will have some good stuff to pleasure you with when I get back. In the meantime, hope you had a great Monday!


  1. I want to see your favorite Pinterest recipes... all the ones I've tried lately have been fails.

  2. My boobs are really saggy...can you blog about that? Also I am green with envy b/c my one friend from high school is going to visit my other friend and they are both ignoring me and it's just NOT COOL, GUYS! Have fun, I guess......;)

  3. Im with Tina. If you're going for a different kind of blog, that topic is sure to help you out. Also, just tell me how to be a superwife, because I'm pretty sure thats what you are. You know, being crafty and making good food. And write some book reviews cuz I never read, so if I do, I want to know its going to be good. Okay? okay.

  4. You are a good writer! Love reading someone who believes in one's abilities. (I think I'm a good writer too, if I could only spell well!)
    Maybe "Meet Jessica" Mondays, or "A Pintrest Fail" Thursdays, haha. Just give yourself little markers to meet every week and I think things will start coming back.
    I love my "Poem of the month," and with my life right now, that's about how deep and consistent I can go. I'd love to know about your personal style (but I love style blogs).
