Food: Jack Daniels Pulled Beef
TV Show: Tosh.O
Hobby: Woodwork
Book: Hunger Games
Restaurant: Red Robin
Candy: Peanut Butter M&M's
Drink: Crystal Light
Free Time: Guns, Hunting
Music: Country
Movie: Act of Valor
Product: Savage 7 MM Rifle Model 1.11.... (whatever that means!)
Food: fruit, smoothies, toast and yogurt, pizza, Flatbread's balsamic dressing
TV Show: Real Housewives of Orange County
Hobby: Sleeping (no seriously), obsessing over every thing to the point of exhaustion
Book: Into the Wild
Restaurant: Pita Pit (how lame am I?) and we went to Flatbread Pizza for lunch the other day and it was da-vine!
Candy: Mini Eggs
Drink: Water
Free Time: Sleeping, looking at baby stuff
Free Time: Sleeping, looking at baby stuff
Music: Dance Yourself Clean by LCD Soundsystem
Movie: Last one I saw was Hunger Games but I am pretty excited for the Avengers! And I will always love Lord of the Rings..
Product: Ninja Blender... our blender is a POS and I want one so bad!
hahahahahahahaha blakes favorite drink is crystal light??!!!