Sunday, April 1, 2012


1. At 25 weeks I braved the slopes of Bogus Basin. Skiing preggie just isn't the same. All I wanted to do was go fast, hit all my favorite bump trails, and weave in and out of trees. Blake made me be real careful. It was the second time I skied this season, (the first being in Canada at about 15 weeks) and the last. At least I picked a good season to miss out on cause the snow gods have been withholding their blessings from us. 
2. My pregnancy gas is still in full force. For those of you who knew me before, take what it was and multiply by 100. No seriously. For this reason I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore.
3. I am only working as a nanny for one more month.One day I hauled myself and these three children to the new Idaho Aquarium and local park. I thought it would be a piece of cake, after all I had done it many times before. Let me tell you- IT WAS HARD. Not only was the aquarium disappointing (I was expecting freaking Sea World... high standards much?) I really should have brought the leash backpack for little Dutch. Needless to say I had a loooong nap afterwards.
4. My goal is to have a drug-free birth. With that, I have been experimenting with Hypnobirthing (if you've never heard of it, google it.). However, I am still in the phase of giggling every time my relaxing music comes on! That's probably not going to help with pain management...
5. I have discovered the wonderful thing that is the Mormon Channel App! Every time I have a child sass back at me or they just won't stop screaming, (and therefore I can feel my blood pressure instantly rise) I quickly search 'patience' and spend a few minutes to calm the heck down. I'm convinced that I am going to go into early labor if I don't control myself.
6. I am LOVING the switch I made from OB to midwife. Every time I go, my sweet midwife asks me if I have any questions. I then bombard her for at least 10 minutes about all the things I'd read between appointments. Although I haven't seen her face yet because she has to wear a mask (she refused to get a flu shot. yes she is very pro-natural) she is a genuine, caring woman and I am so impressed!
7. I am struggling with being patient and not knowing what kind of baby I have in my belly. After my last trip to Old Navy and Baby Gap, I have SWORN OFF baby clothes shopping until July! I can't stomach another melt down!
8. My mom is coming to visit for a weekend in April. I'm so excited!
9. Blake just got an iPhone. My one condition was that he had to let me follow him on Find my Friends. Best thing we ever did! I love stalking my husband! (Controlling wife alert....?)
10. My family has booked a campsite in McCall (a small resort town kind of like Waterton) for the first week in August. I am SO SO SO excited to camp with my family and my new little baby! My parents are going to bring their trailer too, so that makes camping that much easier, especially with a tiny little new person. Can't wait!
11. I have only 11 weeks until my due date. I keep getting bigger, and keep being a drama queen. Hopefully Blake doesn't get sick of me before June 19 rolls around... (although I'm hoping for an early baby... by father's day would be nice! Yes I will keep hoping.)

p.s. I won that giveaway! woohoo!


  1. I really don't think music will help with pain haha. I'm sure you'll be able to do it though. Good luck!

  2. ha ha Shayla...probably true. I'm glad I'm no the only one having meltdowns. Can't believe we are getting so pregnant...but really wishing I looked like you. Looks like you don't live on Froot Loops and me poophead!
