Thursday, April 7, 2011


day three-parents and siblings.

father- my dad is the coolest. He makes jokes all the time. one time he tried to do the "banana knock knock" joke and it went something like this...
dad: knock knock
me: who's there?
dad: orange.
me: orange who?
dad: orange knock knock
me: who's there?
dad: orange.
me: orange who?
dad: orange knock knock
me: who's there?
dad: orange.
me: orange who?
dad: orange knock knock
me: who's there?
dad: banana.
me: banana who?
dad: orange you glad i... didn't say.... uuuuh....
HAHA. freaking hilarious. He also has taught me all that I know about music. i remember our family trips with dad and his giant case of cd's to listen to on the way. Rankin Family, U2, and Manhattan Transfer among the favorites. He also always had a bookshelf behind his bathroom door full of over 1000 cd's. He also has passed on a love of all things outdoors to me, which I LOVE. hiking, fishing, camping and even a little rock climbing. my dad is sweet.
mother- my mom is the best. she is teaching me how to sew. which is, in my opinion, a very handy motherly task. she says some pretty funny things too, and is always the BEST hostess when Blake and I come home. not to mention she spoils us rotten! She put up with me when I was being a B-RAT planning my wedding, and still loves me. and all my friends say she is the coolest of all the moms. she is up for anything and just plain FUN. I love her too much and miss her every stinking day.
zac- the goof of the family, always doing great impressions and mocking people. To be in the Erickson/Dudley family, you must take mockery willingly, and be able to dish it as well. He is so smart in all things technology and actually surprisingly has given me some great advice over the years... who knew?!
hilary- Hil fits into the Erickson fam like a glove. she makes just the right amount of fart jokes and knows who to make fun of and when. but seriously, she's not my mom but I can tell she is a great mama and wife!
nicholas- CUTEST baby ever. hands down. Nick is also the happiest baby I have ever met. Seriously I have heard him cry once. and it was because he was hungry. Maybe when he turns 12 or something he can come live with me and blake, cause we probably won't have kids by then... har har har
amy- one time for mutual we made glass candy. We live across the street from the church. Amy was talking to her friend and wouldnt give me a ride home. so i stabbed her in the forehead with the glass candy and gave her a nice little Harry Potter scar. I guess I'm a psycho. Amy is the most adventerous one in the family. She loves to travel and is really passionate about things she pursues. She is always doing nice things (like baking me a canada cake when I came home to visit) and she is also very fun to bug (apples and banans, payton?)
max- max is da bebe of the family and as such, gets teased the most. me and amy once wrestled him for like an hour when we stole his phone. at first he was really mad but then after about 20 minutes it turned it a big fat joke and it was quite hilarious. me and max used to fight the most of the family as well. I remember the time he pulled a kitchen knife on me... OH the good ol' days. in return I split his head on the tv stand and he had to get stitches. we are 4 years about but I think our favorite game to play on sundays after church was either kittens (or Lego). we would tie ropes to our necks as a leash and drink out of bowls. best game EVER. I love max and can't believe his is graduating this year... they grow up so fast!

it just makes me want to vomit that I don't live closer to these people, so I'm going to stop typing now.


  1. so remember when i pretty much grew up at your house?? seriously best memories ever! and of course the ranken family was always on! and you always loved jingle cats! and we would always put max in that big blue tote and push him down the stairs and be like "we're playing roller coaster"

    also.... remember when your guys gerbil died... and we had a funeral for it? and made it paper wings and taped it on it's dead bodies back and i flew it around the room! and we put it in the back of the barbie car like it was a hurse and we sang that song "we had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun..." haha SICK!

  2. hahahaha ok kittens was sounding like about the best game ever invented until I read this comment and now I disagree and have to say the roller coaster is the best game ever.

    This blogging challenge is a great success, Poop!
