Wednesday, April 6, 2011


something that stresses me out...

WHY would I want to dwell on things that stress me out? I've been feeling on top of the world lately! but since you asked...

I get freaked out that I will be stuck in Boise my whole life and never get to move closer to my family and that would NOT BE COOL.
I also stress about getting into school.
and money. curse the word.
I stress about my health. I am a bit of a hypochondriac. I think every little thing means that I have a potentially fatal disease. TURNS OUT I'm still alive and well..
I stress about what kind of mother I am going to be, even though there are no children on the horizon.
and about eating. I wish I never got hungry because I just forget to eat at work sometimes. except for mini cookies. I eat those all day and it doesn't treat me well. ask blake.
did I mention I stress about money? CAUSE I DO!
I sometimes stress about the end of the world because I don't have any food storage! I GOTTA get me some of that!

am I allowed to alter this challenge? I am going to do a self portrait e'ry day. here goes:

so when I wake up the first thing I do is blog, big whoop!

1 comment:

  1. don't stress too much sweet pea, you'll get a bad bout of the shy terds...i'm pretty sure i've been constipated for the past 2 years and counting!
