Friday, August 26, 2011


Stanley is about 3 hours from Boise. It is like Waterton, but not quite as mountainous. And the mountains are pooooointy. That is why they are called the Sawtooths. It is sweet here.
rest stop for huckleberry milkshakes

pontoon boat transportation method

fish hatchery tour

chinkook salmon ready for spawning. hubba hubba!


fish ladder.

havin a rest at stanley lake

me and the sawtooths,  Mt McGowen which I will climb someday

after an attempt at fishing the salmon river

breakfast of champions! donuts and chocolate milk!

This trip made me like Idaho a little more. Also it inspired me to volunteer with a salmon spawning in Riggins (3 hours north of Boise). I just can't wait to be done with school and working at stuff I love!

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