Thursday, May 26, 2011

the weekend report

When I was in high school, I would use my "agenda" (those calendar thingys they always gave you each year) as a journal. I wrote down what I did every day, complete with drawings of what I wore that day (yes seriously.) Just another clever way to pass the time in math or chem I suppose. Tina and I started a little something called the weekend report, and I shall reincarnate it here, today.

Tim and Kara went out of town this weekend to Disneyland for their Tatym's 12th birthday. Blake and I spent the weekend taking care of Josh (10) Piper (7) and Cooper (2). We attended the end-of-year carnival at the school, went garage-sale-ing, had a picnic (in honor of May Long) and went to a ward party... luau themed! I love these kids to death.
coops having a little jump-time
pick nick time
my favorite little pyscho
I also became part of the Cherokee tribe when I completed my walkabout and received the ceremonial feathers in my hair.

the  ceremonial braid
a betta view... you likey?!
And check this haul! I love garage sales! (and did a good job at avoiding buying more junk, if I do say so myself)

Smith Sunglasses: $5
Versace (made in Italy, not Cambodia) Sunglasses: $5
Camelbak: $3
Old School Thermos: $2
Eat, Pray, Love Book: $1
Spyder Ski Pants (not pictured): $5
Total: $21

We ended the weekend/began the week with an exquisite sunday dinner... t-bone steak! I haven't had such a delicious meal in all my married years. THAT IS NO LIE! it was so freaking good!

a little innovation... 2 rubbermates stacked on top off each
 other and an piece of fabric tablecloth. classy

oh hey cute thing

And Annie cleared our plates for us. Such a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. This is Tina and it won't let me comment on your blog but I love going back and reading our weekend reports! And I also loved this weekend report, not quite as good as the ones we did...but pretty good...for a married woman!
